Victoria Brenneman (she/her) is an executive coach with seventeen years of experience managing, mentoring, and coaching teams.

Dive into your skills, interests, and aspirations to better understand your unique strengths. Together, we'll explore the chaos and find a clear path forward.

Coaching Services

  • $500
    -1 hour of private 1-1 storytelling coaching
    -2 Sessions of Resume & Linkedin Review and Editing
    -30 minutes of asynchronous negotiation support

  • $1,400
    -4 hours of private 1-1 coaching
    -Access to coaching resources

  • $2,000
    -6 hours of private 1-1 coaching
    -Email support between sessions
    -Introductions and connections to network built over 15 years
    -Access to coaching resources
    -Invitation to Chaos Coaching Slack Community

  • Be great at your job. Be even better at your career.

Why Work with Victoria?